Speed Test of Using Symbolic VS Automatic Differentiation
by SeHyoun Ahn, Sept 2016
An html file properly marked up comments is avaiable at http://sehyoun.com/EXAMPLE_test_symbolic.html
Evaluates the Jacobian of
$$ y = \begin{bmatrix} x_1 & 0 & 0 & ... & 0 \\ 0 & x_2 & 0 & ... & 0\\ 0 & ... & ... &...& 0\\ 0 & 0 & ... & 0 & x_n\end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} x_1\\ x_2\\ ...\\ x_n\end{bmatrix} $$ at $(x_1, x_2 , ... , x_n) = (1,2,...,n)$
n = 300;
Automatic Differentiation
fprintf('n = %d\n',n); addpath('../'); fprintf('\n\nAUTOMATIC DIFFERENTIATION\n'); tAD = tic; x = myAD((1:n)'); A = spdiags(x,0,n,n); y = A*x; dydx_val_AD = getderivs(y); tAD = toc(tAD); fprintf(' Done!\n\n');
Symbolic Differentiation
disp('SYMBOLIC') tSymb = tic; tSetup = tic; vector = sym('x_%d',[1 n])'; A = diag(vector); y = A*vector; fprintf(' Initialize Symbolic Variables: %2.6f secs\n',toc(tSetup)); tDeriv = tic; dydx = jacobian(y,vector'); fprintf(' Time to Differentiate: %2.6f secs\n',toc(tDeriv)); tConvert = tic; dydx_eval = matlabFunction(dydx); fprintf(' Time to Convert to Function: %2.6f secs\n',toc(tConvert)); fprintf(' You would only need to do this conversion once to evaluate \n'); fprintf(' derivatives at different values of x_n.\n'); tEval = tic; x = num2cell(1:n); dydx_val = dydx_eval(x{:}); fprintf(' Time to Calculate Numerical Values: %2.6f secs\n\n\n',toc(tEval)); % Uncomment the following and comment above block to Test evaluation % by using <subs>, but using matlabFunction is faster than subs %{ tSubs = tic; dydx_val = subs(dydx,vector',1:n); fprintf('Time to Calculate Numerical Values (Subs): %2.6f\n\n\n',toc(tSubs)); %} tSymb = toc(tSymb); fprintf('Total time using Automatic Differentiation: %2.6f secs\n',tAD); fprintf('Total time using Symbolic: %2.6f secs\n',tSymb); fprintf(' Note that just the evaluation of derivatives using symbolic\n'); fprintf(' is comparable to the entire computation of values and derivatives using AD.\n');
SYMBOLIC Initialize Symbolic Variables: 1.168734 secs Time to Differentiate: 1.504292 secs Time to Convert to Function: 184.486152 secs You would only need to do this conversion once to evaluate derivatives at different values of x_n. Time to Calculate Numerical Values: 0.441781 secs Total time using Automatic Differentiation: 0.006623 secs Total time using Symbolic: 187.602057 secs Note that just the evaluation of derivatives using symbolic is comparable to the entire computation of values and derivatives using AD.
SYSTEM INFORMATION FOR REPLICATION Computer: Version: ThinkPad X230 CPU: Version: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3320M CPU @ 2.60GHz Memory: Number Of Devices: 2 Memory Device Size: 4096 MB Type: DDR3 Speed: 1600 MHz Configured Clock Speed: 1600 MHz Memory Device Size: 4096 MB Type: DDR3 Speed: 1600 MHz Configured Clock Speed: 1600 MHz OS: Description: Linux Mint 18 Sarah MATLAB: (R2016b)