Technical Documentation

This is the technical documentation page. See Tutorials to get started.


Type:num_e\(\times 1\) vector of doubles
Description:Diffusion across the given edge. It is set by the users before computing transition matrices
Type:num_e\(\times 1\) vector of doubles
Description:Drift across the given edge. It is set by the users before computing transition matrices
Type:(num_e \(\times\) (2 \(\cdot\) afv_grid.n_dim))-matrix of doubles
Description:Boundary values of edges
Note:boundaries are stacked in lexicographic order of (coordinate direction, left/right boundary)
Type:(num_e\(\times 1\))-vector of integers
Description:Normal/coordinate direction of the edge
Type:(num_e \(\times\) 2)-matrix of integers
Description:Connectivity graph from edges to nodes
Type:(num_e\(\times 1\))-vector of doubles
Description:(integral) weights of the edges
Type:(afv_grid.num_e \(\times\) (2 \(\cdot\) afv_grid.n_dim ) )-matrix of doubles
Description:Boundary values of the cell
Note:boundaries are stacked in lexicographic order of (left/right boundary, coordinate direction)
Type:(afv_grid.num_e \(\times\) afv_grid.n_dim \(\times 2\)) cell array of vector of integers
Description:Connectivity graph from nodes to edges.

(num_n\(\times\)n_dim\(\times 2\)) cell of integers


Neighbor structure of nodes. The third index corresponds to

  • 1: left neighbors
  • 2: right neighbors
Description:Dimensionality of the grid
Description:Total number of nodes
Warning:This is DEPRECATED, and will be eventually removed. Kept for code-reusability with Mean Field Games Toolbox. Use num_e or num_n instead.
Type:(num_n\(\times 1\)) vector of doubles
Description:Size of the nodes
Description:Total number of edges
Description:Total number of nodes

(num_n\(\times\)n_dim\(\times 2\)) array of integers


Number of neighbors of nodes. The third index corresponds to

  • 1: left neighbors
  • 2: right neighbors
Type:(n_dim\(\times 1\)) cell array of vectors of doubles.
Description:Coordinate value of edges or nodes. Users can set this directly.


afv_grid.add_new_nodes(obj, n2bd_new, ind_to_consider, flag_compute_left)

Add new nodes to the grid

  • n2bd_new – boundaries of new node points
  • ind_to_consider (vector of indices) – (optional) indices of nodes that have interface with new nodes
  • flag_compute_left (bool) – (default: false) whether to compute left neighbors as well.

[n2n] (implicit in class)

  • n2n : (in class) neighbor structure


The computing neighbor structure from scratch is an expensive operation. Therefore, one should use new_ind whenever possible. This behavior is guaranteed if one computes using split_init or split, so one should use that function whenever it is feasible.


Empty Constructor

Parameters:n_dim (integer) – Dimensionality of the grid

See also


afv_grid.compute_diffusion_distance(obj, ind)

INTERNAL METHOD: Calculate the diffusion distance to approximate \(\frac{dg}{dx}\) for diffusion in finite volume method

Parameters:ind (vector of indices) – indices of the node to compute the diffusion distance
Returns:the distance to be used in diffusion computation.
Return type:r_dist (vector of doubles)
afv_grid.compute_edge_midpoints(obj, ind, dir, is_left_edge)

Compute the midpoint of the given edge of a node

  • ind (n-vector of indices) – indices of the node to compute the mid-point of the edge
  • dir (n-vector of integers) – coordinate direction of the edge to consider
  • is_left_edge (n-vector of bools) – whether computing the mid-points of the left edge or not

midpoints of the edge

Return type:

midpts (n \(\times\) n_dim of doubles)


This function is to calculate external edges of the node that does not face a different node. For internal nodes, consider using function edge_midpoints

afv_grid.compute_node_bds(obj, x_knots)

INTERNAL FUNCTION: computes boundaries of new nodes

Parameters:x_knots (cell of vector of doubles) – the boundary knots that define the tensor cut split of a node
Returns:boundaries of the nodes
Return type:output (matrix of doubles)

Compute the number of neighbors

Parameters:n2n – (implicit) n2n
Returns:[num_nb] implicit in class
afv_grid.compute_transition_matrix_boundary(obj, ind, dir, flow, is_left_edge)

Compute the transition matrix corresponding to the boundary of the given node

  • ind (vector of indices) – indices of the node to compute the edge dynamics
  • dir (vector of integers) – coordinate directions of the edges/flows to consider
  • flow (vector of doubles) – flow/drift rate across the edges
  • is_left_edge (vector of bool) – whether the edge is a left edge or not

the transition matrix of the FPK-equation for the given flows across the edges.

Return type:

A_eFP (num_n\(\times\)num_n sparse matrix of doubles)


There is compute_transition_matrix_modified function that handles the construction of the transition matrix for internal edges facing other cells. This function is supposed to be used for creating the flows for the boundary conditions.


Compute the transition matrix corresponding to the Fokker Planck equation

\[\frac{dg}{dt} = -\frac{d}{dx}\left(s(x)\cdot g(x)\right) + \nu \frac{d^2 g}{dx^2}\]

using central difference approximation.

  • e2n – implicit in class
  • drift – implicit in class
  • diffusion – implicit in class
  • node_weights – implicit in class
  • e_weights – implicit in class

the transition matrix from the FPK-equation

Return type:

A_FP (num_n\(\times\)num_n sparse matrix of doubles)


  • Many separate parts are needed before this function can be called properly. Instead of setting them manually, try to use the given functions that guarantee the internal structure.
  • This function is for internal edges, for external edges, use compute_transition_matrix_boundary.
  • Central value approximation is not guaranteed to be stable, if the solution do not behave well consider using compute_transition_matrix_modified.
afv_grid.compute_transition_matrix_modified(obj, weighter)

Compute the transition matrix corresponding to the Fokker-Planck equation

\[\frac{dg}{dt} = -\frac{d}{dx}\left(s(x)\cdot g(x)\right) + \nu \frac{d^2 g}{dx^2}\]

using the modified upwind scheme (equation 2.3) of [Axelsson & Gustafsson, 1979].

  • e2n – implicit in class
  • drift – implicit in class
  • diffusion – implicit in class
  • node_weights – implicit in class
  • e_weights – implicit in class

the transition matrix from the FPK-equation

Return type:

A_FP (num_n\(\times\)num_n sparse matrix of doubles)


  • Many separate parts are needed before this function can be called properly. Instead of setting them manually, try to use the given functions that guarantee the internal structure.
  • This function is for internal edges, for external edges, use compute_transition_matrix_boundary.



Compute the transition matrix corresponding to the Fokker Planck equation

\[\frac{dg}{dt} = -\frac{d}{dx}\left(s(x)\cdot g(x)\right) + \nu \frac{d^2 g}{dx^2}\]

using upwind approximation.

  • e2n – implicit in class
  • drift – implicit in class
  • diffusion – implicit in class
  • node_weights – implicit in class
  • e_weights – implicit in class

the transition matrix from the FPK-equation

Return type:

A_FP (num_n\(\times\)num_n sparse matrix of doubles)


Upwind introduced numerical diffusion, so the solution is not accurate compared to other methods. Use compute_transition_matrix_modified unless there is a strong reason to use the upwind scheme.


  • Many separate parts are needed before this function can be called properly. Instead of setting them manually, try to use the given functions that guarantee the internal structure.
  • This function is for internal edges, for external edges, use compute_transition_matrix_boundary.
afv_grid.edge_midpoints(obj, ind)

Compute mid-points of the edges

Parameters:ind (vector of indices) – indices of the edges to compute the mid-points
Returns:mid-points of the edges
Return type:e_midpoints (vector of doubles)
afv_grid.edge_weights(obj, ind)

Compute weight of the given edge

Parameters:ind (vector of indices) – indices of the edges to compute the surface area
Returns:surface area of the edges
Return type:e_weight (vector of doubles)

Extract edges from nodal connections. This function only finds internal edges

  • n2n – (implicit) n2n
  • n2bd – (implicit) n2bd

[e2bd, e2n, e2dir, e_weights, num_e] (implicit in class)

  • e2bd : (in class) boundaries of the edges
  • e2n : (in class) connectivity of the edges to the nodes
  • e2dir : (in class) normal direction of the edge
  • e_weights : (in class) surface area of the edge
  • num_e : (in class) total number of edges

afv_grid.find_neighbor(obj, ind, dir, is_left, varargin)

Find the neighboring node for the given (single) node

  • ind (integer) – index of the node to find the neighbors of
  • dir (integer) – direction to find the neighbors in
  • is_left (bool) – whether to look for left neighbors or not
  • varargin{1} (vector of indices) – indices of nodes to consider for neighbors (assumed unique)
  • n2bd – (implicit in class) n2bd
  • n_dim – (implicit in class) n_dim

nbs (vector of indices): indices of the neighbors


find_neighbor_structure() runs this function for all nodes.

afv_grid.find_neighbor_structure(obj, new_ind, flag_compute_left)

Construct neighbor structure

  • new_ind (sorted vector of indices) – (optional) indices of new nodes to append to the neighbor structure
  • flag_compute_left (bool) – (default: false) whether to compute left neighbors as well

[n2n] (implicit in class)

  • n2n : (in class) neighbor structure


The computing neighbor structure from scratch is an expensive operation. Therefore, one should use new_ind whenever possible. This behavior is guaranteed if one computes using split_init or split, so one should use that function whenever it is feasible.

afv_grid.node_midpoints(obj, ind)

Compute mid-points of the nodes

Parameters:ind (vector of indices) – (default: ‘:’) indices of the nodes to compute the mid-points
Returns:n_midpoints (vector of doubles): mid-points of the nodes
afv_grid.node_weights(obj, ind)

Compute the weight of the given node

Parameters:ind (vector of indices) – indices of the nodes to compute the volume
Returns:volume of the nodes
Return type:n_weight (vector of doubles)
afv_grid.set_dim(obj, n)

Sets dimensionality of the problem. This function works as the initializer for the class

Parameters:n (int) – dimensionality of the problem
Returns:(implicit in class)


Due to object-oriented design, the set of codes assumes a certain internal consistency of states. Hence, one should always set dimentionality of the problem through set_dim.

afv_grid.split(obj, ind, x_cuts, flag_compute_left)

Split nodes

  • ind (vector of indices) – indices of the nodes to split
  • x_cuts (cell of vector of double) – for each (node, dimension) the cut points to split the node
  • flag_compute_left (bool) – (default: false) whether to compute left neighbors as well

updates all node structure and edge structure of the grid

afv_grid.split_init(obj, node_ind, x_cuts)

Split a given node which is a starting point

  • node_ind (integer) – index of the cell to split
  • x_cuts (cell of vectors) – points to introduce new edges

(implicit in class) internally update states to introduce new cells for the given cell